Sunday, February 8, 2009

TU/Baltimore Beat?

I can't decide between 2 beats:

1) Obama wants to put more funds in the hands of faith-based organizations due to their close ties with communities. How will that affect faith-based clubs on campus?

2) Official clubs at TU are required to perform community service. In what ways do they serve the community, and how can they connect with each other to make a greater impact?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fresh Aspirations Bloom in Spring

Introducing Me....

Hi! My name is Claire Evans. I am from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but currently reside in the Baltimore burbs. I am married to an awesome guy, Russ. I used to be a licensed massage therapist. In addition to research + writing, I love Photoshop, metalsmithing jewelry-making.

Also, I love to sing. Anything from folk harmonies, to R+B and gospel, to opera (although I didn't do so well with the formal singing lessons!). When I visit BR, I like to sing for my family with my brother, Mike, just for fun. He runs his own business as a professional musician. His two projects are: A Reason Y, his solo work, and Two if By Land, a duo-show with his friend Shane.

Five MCOM 258 Goals:

1) smoothe out + speed up my writing process
2) develop my personal style
3) narrow down my beat interests
4) actually know what I'm doing in Soundslides + Audacity ;o)
5) learn more about making web pages so I can make my portfolio pop