Sunday, February 8, 2009

TU/Baltimore Beat?

I can't decide between 2 beats:

1) Obama wants to put more funds in the hands of faith-based organizations due to their close ties with communities. How will that affect faith-based clubs on campus?

2) Official clubs at TU are required to perform community service. In what ways do they serve the community, and how can they connect with each other to make a greater impact?


Cait said...

I like both of your ideas. The second one interests me more personally. Obama has called for everyone to join in community service so maybe somehow you can connect the two ideas.

Tam said...

I like the first beat. I think it will be very interesting to see what information will follow it. Great idea.

Katelyn said...

I think both of your beats seem really interested but I think the second idea would be the best. Personally, I'm not really into politics so I don't follow what Obama does. Writing a beat about something that involves Towson students, like TU Clubs, makes more sense because it affects a greater amount of students. However, both are great ideas so I'm sure whichever you choose will turn out great!

Blake said...

Nice beat and very kool graphic

Anonymous said...

I think both beats are very interesting but I agree that the second would be more interesting to students on campus.

jenny atwater said...

I agree that the second idea is probably your strongest. It's also probably the easier of the two to do.