Wednesday, September 10, 2008

News in B-more: Fire, Schools + War

While scanning the Baltimore Sun today, I found three stories particularly newsworthy. First, the top story described a fire at a local playground. I can see why this was the lead story. This story fulfills many of the criteria for newsworthiness. First and foremost, the playground’s location in the city impacts residents—young and old. The tragedy is particularly sad because this playground was built only three years ago by a community that pulled together for the common good.

The second story, about an issue close to
every parent’s heart, also has a huge impact on the community. Often a school is so important that it dictates where parents will buy their home. Naturally, a story about the school board’s approval of nine new schools will make headlines.

And finally, a story about the incoming president of Pakistan caught my eye. Although this is international news, it could potentially affect the current war. Pakistan borders Afghanistan, which is becoming a more important site in the conflict again. It is speculated that Osama bin Laden has been going back and forth between the neighboring countries. So, whoever is governing Pakistan plays a key role in how relations and events will unfold. I think this is relevant to anyone who has a friend or family member in the armed forces. This changing of the guard may also be important to the many local federal employees and contractors working for the Department of Defense.


Melissa Hale said...

Appearance is great with the written portions wrapped around the photos you used. Very nice use of layout!

Claire said...

Note to self: cite authors.

Alex Campanella said...

I also chose the playground story as newsworthy. When a story affects a community the way the fire yesterday did, it is definately worth writing about.